Friday, February 21, 2020

Metaphor Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Metaphor - Article Example The recent political scandal in UK is MP’s expenses. A huge upheaval regarding the misuse of allowances and exploitation of claims has been in the limelight of late, evoking questions about MP’s role in democracy. Media is the watchdog in democracy. It has already started investigating into the scandal and is attempting to make up for any flaws in the democracy. There are accusations against a significant number of MPs. What does this imply? Is politics power? Where does the money come from? The public who elect the representatives pay for them. Allowances are nothing but the taxes that the public of their constituencies pay. If an MP exploits parliamentary allowance, he/she is answerable to media as well to the public, the money exploited is theirs. MPs spending for their personal needs are neglecting their promise towards their constitution and people. Government should come down hard on the MPs who misuse their position for their personal gains. Subsidy is for the public and not for the government and the people who are part of it. Unless they live a normal life of a common man, how can they relate to the problems and needs of their society and cater to it? But MPs consider their position as money breeding opportunity and not as a responsibility to serve the public. They look upon themselves hardly as public servants but go after luxuries for themselves. MP’s expenses are not alone a scandal but a sign of the times. Can there be any additional evidence for the deterioration of democracy and exploitation of authority? Ask the MPs, how best the tax can be used? Should there be any question at all about how they use the allowances? Why not? It is after all the public’s

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Development in the Hardware and Software Industries Tapped by GIS Appl Assignment

Development in the Hardware and Software Industries Tapped by GIS Applications - Assignment Example Hardware and software industries have catered to the needs of various areas defined in the marketplace. Software that is used to integrate geographical information with people and events, help in producing knowledge useful in the industrial operations and a basis of research outcomes. Examples are the GIS software and hardware used for libraries, museums, and schools that facilitate management, demographic/market analysis, asset mapping and inventories (Educational License Options n.d.).   Specific applications include ArcGIS for Desktop, Explorer, Mapping, Server, Server Image Extension and many others. In the case of Botanical Gardens and Zoological Parks, a software was developed specifically designed as a data model for mapping facilities and plant collections. It is called ArcGIS Public Garden Data Model. The hardware developments kept up with the industry standard or what was required for efficient data capture of GIS components. The digitizing tablets allowed the operator to record coordinates and scanners which convert analog source documents into digital raster form (Jackson and Woodsword 2012). GIS has been integrated into social networking. Ushahidi, for example, is a software that is used to collect information from multiple channels such as text messages, email, and Twitter (Dumbill 2010). It has been found useful in reporting disasters such as floods and aggregating reports from citizen journalists. The trend analysis provided by GIS in a combination of social data resulted in quick and effective disaster management. It has used information from social networking as sensors of the pending disaster, enabling the authorities to respond accordingly.